These are Our Stories


Maple Ridge Christian School is changing lives

I learned about God

By being around amazing teachers at MRCS with great lifestyles, it has encouraged the way I live my own life. Building connections with uplifting friends and adults has impacted my desire to keep building my connection with God. The teachers and staff at this school truly care about how you’re doing, and seek to encourage you all the time!

–Alumni student (2011-2024)

My son was saved

How do I explain in a nutshell, the awesomeness of Maple Ridge Christian School? How do I describe how God used MRCS to keep my son here on earth and still alive? I have kept my daughter, who is now in Grade 12, at MRCS because of my son’s experience here. 
Noah was the kid that needed people to believe in him, before he could believe in himself. He was also the kid that even if you told him that the stove was hot, he would need to touch it for himself…and then touch it again with his second hand, just to be sure. I firmly believe and know the outcome of where my son is today wouldn’t have been the same had he not had the support, prayer and encouragement from the faculty at MRCS. 

Noah entered MRCS in Grade 9. He had found himself caught up in substance abuse and addiction at an early age of 14, when he was only in Grade 8. These were the most stressful and darkest years for our family. He still had many struggles even after joining the MRCS community but always tried to DO better and BE better. He would try, and then he would fail, he would try harder, then fail again. But the difference at MRCS was that his support teachers saw that he was trying. They would tell him they believed in him, they would pray for him. They would encourage him. And that is exactly what he needed. 

He made mistakes throughout his 4-year journey at MRCS, but the teachers never wrote him off. They worked with him each and every single day, and met him where he was at. Today Noah is addiction free, living for God and he is happy. I will never, ever forget the kindness, forgiveness, patience, and the living examples of Jesus exemplified in the staff at MRCS.

–Past high school parent

My life was changed

Maple Ridge Christian School was and always will be a family for me. I attended MRCS from Grade 10 to Grade 12, and it was definitely one of the most life-changing journeys in my life. 

At MRCS, I learned more about myself, my identity, and my purpose in this world. The experiences I had there constantly remind me that I made the right choice by choosing to study at MRCS.

– Alumni international student (2016-2019)

We are in community

MRCS provides a warm and nurturing environment which has allowed our children to grow tremendously. 

We are comforted to know that the values and teaching are grounded in the Word of God. The teachers are considerate, caring and a pleasure to work with. 
Our family has found an incredible, supportive community in this school!

–Current elementary parent

I was loved

All my years at MRCS showed me what a difference a smile or encouraging word can make. I was constantly supported, loved, and respected at MRCS. 

Spreading love and kindness is something we are all capable of and it’s how we spread God’s joy.

– Alumni student (2007-2020)

We have peace

I was working in public education before becoming a mother. My husband and I assumed our kids would also be educated in public schools, but after we heard about Maple Ridge Christian School and looked into its programs, we were excited to send our children here.

We realized that not only would our kids get a strong academic education, but they would also pray with teachers and classmates, learn from the Word, and be challenged to see the world from a Godly viewpoint. We were sold!

There is peace in knowing that the Christian principles in which we believe and trust are being taught at home, in church AND at school!

–Current elementary, middle, and high school parent

I was inspired

Every single one of my teachers inspired me to become a teacher. They not only taught me, but challenged the way I viewed the world in order to develop my beliefs. 

MRCS has also provided me with many opportunities to work with younger grades, specifically as a Teacher’s Assistant in Kindergarten. 
The teachers at MRCS have set an example for how I want to be as a future elementary teacher.

– Alumni student (2007-2020)

I belonged

Coming to MRCS was one of the biggest blessings of my life, and the only thing I would change about it is coming here sooner! Being prayed over by my teachers, being invited to worship nights by my classmates, and meeting people that love the Lord and help me get closer to him is one of the most important things in my life and I am so thankful to have had that opportunity here during my time at MRCS. Friday morning chapels have been one of my favourite parts of being at this school.
The first day I walked into MRCS I was incredibly nervous. I knew nobody and I was scared it would not be a good fit for me. I remember walking down the hall after hearing we had chapel on the first day and I was so curious to see how it would go and within minutes I was crying — standing in chapel as the new girl, bawling. I cried because it was something I had needed in my life for so long and I was finally in a school where I belonged. MRCS is where I felt I belonged. This very first chapel set the tone for the rest of my Friday mornings here, and chapel always provides me with insight to end off my week and beautiful music that always touches my heart.

–Alumni student (2022-2024)