Parent Session: Social Media Awareness, Digital Citizenship, and Cyberbullying

Dear Parents,

As a parent/caregiver, you lead the charge as a digital role model. Help your child develop a strong digital citizenship foundation while reminding them that their digital tattoo reflects their real and online selves. Parents/Caregivers have an important role to play in providing support and guidance during critical periods. A snapshot of current trends and concerning apps will be provided to equip you in your digital parenting strategy. 


DATE: Wednesday, October 25, 2023
TIME: 6:30-8:30 PM
LOCATION: Maple Ridge Christian School

Topics include:

  • Social Media Update – The most current apps and trends in your children’s social media lives 
  • Digital Parenting Strategy – How to have important conversations with your child around social media safety
  • Digital Footprint and Reputation – With their future approaching, recruiters and employers are taking note – What will they find?
  • Family Tech Plan – Recommendations for family guidelines and parental controls

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PLEASE NOTE: This content is for parents/caregivers only and childcare will not be available. Please make arrangements