Day of Giving and Other Reminders

1. Tomorrow is MRCS Day of Giving!
Will you join us?

2. K-12 Parent Teacher Conferences

K-12 Parent Teacher Conferences are this Thursday, November 30 from 8:30 AM – 7:30 PM and there will be no school K-12. Please click these links to access the sign-up forms:

Cut off for sign up is Wednesday at 12 PM.

** There will be an MRCS merch table set up with clothing for sale, accepting payments by cash, cheque or e-transfer. Come on by for some Christmas shopping!

** We will also have the lost and found set up on tables in the hallway, so make sure to stop by and find all those lost items before we donate them during Christmas break. 

3. Call for Christmas tree decorations

Reminder to bring in donations of Christmas tree decorations for our high school Christmas trees if you can! Please drop them off at the front office. 

4. Hot Lunch 

The next hot lunch date is Thursday, December 7 and we will be enjoying White Spot. Orders will close this Thursday, November 30 at 11:59 PM. Thank you to our business sponsor D&J Flooring!  

Upcoming Hot Lunch Dates that are still open for ordering:

* Please remember to order on a computer instead of a phone as it will be much easier.  

  • Thur Dec 7 White Spot (order by Thur Nov 30) Sponsored by D&J Flooring
  • Thu Dec 21 Pizza Hut (order by Thur Dec 14) Sponsored by Anglo Glass

Thank you to our amazing business sponsor community for filling up all the hot lunch dates with sponsorships – we love you!

Upcoming dates to remember:

November 28 – MRCS Day of Giving 
November 30 – Parent Teacher Conferences. NO SCHOOL
December 7 – White Spot hot lunch, sponsored by D&J Flooring
December 21 – Christmas Concerts. 1:30 and 7:00 PM featuring grades K-6 and the Gr. 9/10 concert band
December 22 – Christmas Chapels and 12 PM early dismissal