SOGI Town Hall Meeting Thursday


We are looking forward to our upcoming town hall meeting for this Thursday, November 23, at 7:00 PM in the gym

As a note, this meeting is open only to society members (both full and associate members).

In order to make the best use of our time, we ask that all those attending have watched all three videos prior to the meeting. The videos are as follows: 

Video 1: MRCS Foundational Beliefs
Video 2: Duty of Care and Legal Considerations
Video 3: Curricular and Guidelines Overview 

As we have noted in our previous messages, we recognize that for many of us, there are many questions and concerns around SOGI policy, curriculum, and the school’s foundational beliefs. The objective of this town hall meeting is to have our society members contribute to the discussion as to what elements are essential in a policy to help support gender minority students while also upholding the foundational beliefs of MRCS. 

The format of the town hall meeting will be as follows:

  1. Welcome & Prayer
  2. Recap of the task force work to date
  3. Discussions at round tables around key questions 
  4. Closing prayer

There will be an opportunity to submit further questions and comments through an online form which the task force will also take into consideration to help inform and guide our next steps. 

We fully anticipate that there will be a future town hall meeting later this school year to invite more feedback and discussion. 

We look forward to connecting with you on November 23. 

On behalf of the Task Force, 

Kevin Sowerby
SOGI Task Force Chair