Upcoming SOGI Town Hall Meeting – Video 3

This is now our third communication in preparation for our upcoming town hall meeting on Thursday, November 23 at 7:00 PM.  You can find the first two messages in the Parent Portal.

As we have noted, we recognize that for many of us, there are many questions and concerns around SOGI policy, curriculum, and the school’s foundational beliefs.

The first video outlined the school’s foundational beliefs which references key sections of our school’s bylaws which can be found here.

The second video outlined the concepts of duty of care as well as some legal considerations.

This third video will cover an overview of the considerations for policy/guidelines and curriculum.

Video 1: MRCS Foundational Beliefs
Video 2: Duty of Care and Legal Considerations
Video 3: Curricular and Guidelines Overview 

As with the previous videos, you are invited to submit questions related to this video. You can do so by filling in a form found here.

On November 23, we will provide clarity to any questions that have come in and we will continue the conversation with you as key participants.

We look forward to connecting with you on November 23.

Kevin Sowerby
SOGI Task Force Chair