Early Dismissal Tomorrow and Measles Vaccinations

1. Early Dismissal Tomorrow

Reminder of early dismissal happening tomorrow at 11:40 AM for high school and 12:00 PM for elementary and middle school. Please make plans to collect your children on time, as there will be no supervision after 12:15 PM.

2. Measles Vaccinations Prior to Spring Break Travel

Fraser Health has asked us to forward the following message to our school families:
Measles is a contagious, airborne virus. There is a high risk of measles cases being brought back to BC due to ongoing measles outbreaks globally and decreasing vaccination coverage rates in Canada. Public Health Agency of Canada and the Provincial Health Officer and the BC Centre for Disease Control have issued statements advising individuals to check their measles immunization records and to vaccinate against measles prior to Spring Break travel. Vaccine appointments can be booked through local public health units.