
Class of 2024
























Celebrating our Grade 12 Graduates


MRCS has impacted my relationships in many ways all across the board. Over the years, I have formed strong relationships with my peers and a strong relationship with God. MRCS isn’t an ordinary school. It’s a school where you form relationships that will last a lifetime and you get educated on a more personal level. A core memory I have from my time at MRCS was basketball season. After graduation, I plan to travel as much as I can afford to and learn the skills necessary to retire my dad and take over his company.


By being around amazing teachers at MRCS with great lifestyles, it has encouraged the way I live my own life. Building connections with uplifting friends and adults has impacted my desire to keep building my connection with God. The teachers and staff at this school truly care about how you’re doing, and seek to encourage you all the time! I’m so thankful for my time at MRCS. I loved the grad trip in May where I went geocaching in Whistler with Mme. Silva, Theo and Keara; it was a highlight of my time at MRCS.

This fall I will be attending University of the Fraser Valley to work towards receiving my Bachelor of Arts. I hope to be an elementary teacher someday.


Here at MRCS I’ve had the opportunity to develop authentic Christ-centered relationships with many of my friends and teachers. This year’s basketball team was by far the most fun thing I’ve ever done in my life. We invested so much time and energy into this team and we set countless school records. The things we accomplished and the relationships I developed through basketball are things I will be eternally grateful for and never forget.

If there was one thing I would want others to know about MRCS, it would be to spend time developing a relationship with your teachers, as many of them have played a pivotal role in my life. After graduation, I am planning to go to Douglas College and pursue a Bachelor’s degree in Physical Education and Coaching, with a minor in business. After that I also plan to take a one-year condensed biblical counselling course at Pacific Life Bible College.


At MRCS I have been fortunate to be surrounded by amazing people and create amazing friendships. Having the same friend group since preschool is rare, but at MRCS it’s possible. Being at this school since preschool has helped me build up those friendships and has created a great foundation in my faith. One of my greatest memories at MRCS would be this last season playing basketball on the Senior Boys team. We accomplished so much and in the end had the greatest season out of any team the school has ever had, placing 4th at the provincial championships. It was a dream of mine from Grade 8 to go to the provincial championships, and I’m so glad that that dream was fulfilled.

One thing I want everyone to know is that MRCS has an amazing culture and community that looks for students to succeed in the best way they can. The teachers create a relationship with the students and truly care for each and every student. The teachers will help you 1-on-1, which is rare in other schools and is something that makes MRCS special.

In the fall, I am planning on going to Douglas College to pursue a degree in Kinesiology. With my degree I hope to work in the sports science field and maybe eventually get my Masters in Physiotherapy.


I have grown in my relationship with God a little bit throughout my time at MRCS. I have developed some great relationships with friends and teachers as well. One of the highlights of my time at MRCS was going to Esperanza. It was a new experience to live with my friends for a week and do a bunch of things to take care of the entire place. I would encourage all students to go to Esperanza — it is worth it!  

After graduation I am going to take a gap year. I will work and hopefully travel somewhere. During the gap year I want to find out my interests and what I may want to do as a career.



My time at MRCS has really strengthened my relationship with God by allowing me to worship and love him so freely and with such a beautiful community. Before coming to MRCS, I was in public school my entire life and never had the experience of having other people around me love Jesus as I do. I was always okay because I had Jesus, but I often yearned for the ability to have others seek him with me. Coming to MRCS was one of the biggest blessings of my life, and the only thing I would change about it is coming here sooner! Being prayed over by my teachers, being invited to worship nights by my classmates, and meeting people that love the Lord and help me get closer to him is one of the most important things in my life and I am so thankful to have had that opportunity here during my time at MRCS. Friday morning chapels have been one of my favourite parts of being at this school. The first day I walked into MRCS I was incredibly nervous. I knew nobody and I was scared it would not be a good fit for me. I remember walking down the hall after hearing we had chapel on the first day and I was so curious to see how it would go and within minutes I was crying — standing in chapel as the new girl, bawling. I cried because it was something I had needed in my life for so long and I was finally in a school where I belonged. MRCS is where I felt I belonged. This very first chapel set the tone for the rest of my Friday mornings here, and chapel always provides me with insight to end off my week and beautiful music that always touches my heart.

After graduation, I plan to travel for the first few months, and attend university for a Criminology degree starting in the spring semester of 2025. I love everything law, crime and justice-system related and I am so excited to be pursuing this degree. From here, I plan to become a notary or another job in the law or jurisprudence area – really just wherever God takes me! I am so excited to become a mom when I am a bit older, and the main job I want to have as an adult is to be a mother just as incredible and kind as my mom. I want to live out the job, career and life that the Lord has planned for me and whatever that is, I welcome.

If there is one thing I could share about MRCS, I would say that it is the right place to be, and I would say that if you are here – be grateful for it. So many people (such as younger me) would do anything to be in a school like MRCS and I would recommend it to anyone. Embrace the small classes, enjoy the little things, and utilize the way God works through this school to be closer to Him. MRCS is not just a school, it is a home away from home if you let it be. I am so deeply thankful for this school and the lessons I have learned within its walls, as well as the relationships I have built, and I hope others see the wonderful things it has to offer too!


My relationship with God has greatly developed as a result of my time at the school. The encouragement the teachers give is very powerful. My relationships with others have been up and down, but mostly positive. A highlight from my time at MRCS is High School Camp. It was really fun the few times I went, and I hope the school continues that for the upcoming grades. After graduation, I will be working and saving up money to possibly go to law school. One thing people should know about MRCS is to make sure you get to know the teachers before making assumptions about them – most of them are pretty chill.


One thing I want people to know about MRCS is that you’ll make life-long bonds and memories. The bonds and friendships I’ve made throughout my time at MRCS have been crazy. Growing up with the same people has been the best, and not getting to see them everyday is gonna be rough. Just being able to openly speak about God has also been nice. After graduation, I plan to take a gap year and maybe travel a little.


My time at MRCS has really impacted my relationship with God. I used to go to a public school with no learning of God or the Bible, and when I came here I could tell from the first day that this school has something special. The really impactful Bible classes and even just the MRCS atmosphere really helped me learn about the Bible. You feel God’s presence as soon as you walk into the doors. A highlight of my time at MRCS is the camping trip at the beginning of the school year.

After graduation, I’ll be taking a gap year and will work for the City of PoCo. I’ll take this time to figure myself out and find my true passion so I can go and get a degree in what I actually want. If I could say one thing about MRCS, it would be this: life-changing.


MRCS has impacted my relationship with God by being closer with him. Some of my favourite memories of MRCS are playing man hunt or four square in elementary school with all of my friends that are graduating with me now. After graduation, I will practice to become a tattoo artist and learn jewelry art and design at Vancouver Community College. One thing I want others to know about MRCS is that it has an amazing community.


MRCS has helped me to grow closer to God by providing me with a God-loving community where I can build fellowship and community with like-minded Christians. A highlight for me has been going to Esperanza these past few high school years, and participating in the drama program! In the fall I will be attending Trinity Western University for a major in English and possibly a minor in Linguistics. I hope to eventually go into Immigration Law or somewhere where I can help people using the gifts God has blessed me with. One thing I want people to know about MRCS is that it feels like home.


MRCS has provided me with an encouraging environment that has allowed me to comfortably and naturally grow closer with my friends and God. I will always remember Mrs. Sawka handing out cards and Smarties to students on their birthdays. One thing you should know about the school: if you bug Mr. Coulter enough, he will eventually relent and take the class to Tim Hortons. After graduation, I plan to take a year off to gain work experience and make some money to pay for post secondary school.


My time at MRCS has impacted my relationship with God and others a ton, with the most important aspect being the relationships that I have built over the course of my school experience. A highlight of my time at the school was Esperanza, and also the Victoria trip in Grade 5.

In the fall, I plan to attend Trinity Western University, majoring in Computer Science. I plan to transfer to SFU for the latter half of my schooling, taking part in their co-op program.

One thing I want everyone to know about MRCS is that despite its struggles, it’s still a great place to go to school and build lifetime relationships.


I’ve been able to see God work through the teachers and the impact it has on all of us. The teachers and staff are really great and I’m thankful for their support over the years. During my time as MRCS, I’ve really enjoyed being a TA in the library for Mrs. Puchalski. After graduation, I am going to England and Scotland for a month this August. In September I’m going to UFV for the Library Information and Technology Diploma which is a 2-year program.


MRCS has played such a great role in my relationship with God. The way teachers constantly encourage me and talk about God has helped me to always keep him on my mind. The MRCS Bible program also taught me a lot about different biblical principles. Overall MRCS has been crucial in my faith journey and helped me become the Jesus-loving young man I am today. The small class sizes and close community are so beautiful and have been so healthy, they have kept me accountable and helped me build strong and close relationships. My MRCS experience has certainly convinced me that I want to send my kids to a Christian private school.

My MRCS highlight would for sure have to be our unforgettable basketball season, with so much school support and all the hard work we put into making Provincials. It truly was so fulfilling and joy-bringing. After graduation I am planning to go to UBC for the program of Applied Science, specializing in Computer Engineering. I am excited for my university journey and look forward to participating in co-ops.


I grew a lot closer to God during my time at MRCS. I will always remember spending time with all the friends I grew up with, and playing four square with all my friends in elementary school. In the fall, I will be attending the University of Victoria to get my Bachelor’s degree in Business. One thing I would like everyone to know about MRCS is that it’s a really fun community to be a part of.keep me on the right path, whether they are teachers or even other students who are passionate about their relationship with God. 


Throughout my time in high school, I have grown tremendously in my faith and relationship with God. The teachers at MRCS really care about their students and want to see us thrive. I’ve been blessed with amazing teachers throughout the last eight years of schooling here. A highlight from my time at MRCS has been my chemistry classes both this year and last. It was such a great group both years and was always the perfect balance of fun and focused. I’ve always found drugs and their effects on the human body and mind to be fascinating, so in accordance with that I am beginning the pre-pharmacy course at TWU in the fall. I will continue at TWU for two years until I am able to apply for a PharmD program elsewhere.


I used to be an atheist, but after three years I doubted myself and started believing in God. One great memory from my time at MRCS is the medieval sword field trip in grade 8.

After graduation, I am going to KPU to get my bachelors degree in health science and after that I will go to JIBC and become a paramedic.

One thing I would like people to know is the community at MRCS is very accepting of new people.


During my time at MRCS, I learned to grow closer to God. A highlight from my time at MRCS is just the amazing friends I’ve made from being here since preschool. I’ve known them my whole life. Something I would want people to know is that this school teaches you to be part of a community that learns and grows together.

After graduation I plan to go to BCIT to become an electrician and then get an apprenticeship. I plan to do this because I am interested in the trades.


Throughout my time at MRCS my relationship with God has been through a lot. No matter what else is going on in my life, one thing remains constant and that’s Him. Because of my time at MRCS I have been able to see that clearer than ever.

When I think of highlights in highschool I think of Grade 12 Chemistry with Mr. Coulter. I’ve been able to take his classes for several years now and I can honestly say that they are transformative. I’ve never been called a “lazy sod” or “a little dense in the head” and still felt so loved. Is it the Scottish accent or the genuine love of God shining through? Probably a bit of both. Whatever it is, these science and math classes have inspired me to pursue my love of chemistry and teaching. If I can have half the impact Mr. Coulter has made on so many students’ lives, it will all be worth it.

MRCS excels at student-teacher connections. Through the hardest times of my life I’ve been able to count on trusted adults to care for and empathize with me. If you want to experience the transformative love of God, the teachers here will show you.

After graduating MRCS I plan to spend the summer studying French in Quebec with a bursary from the Canadian Government. In the fall I plan to attend Simon Fraser University where I will be studying Chemistry before going into a joint major program; majoring in Chemistry, Biochemistry, and Molecular Biology.


My highlight of my time at MRCS was the grad trip; spending time with my friends at Whistler was a memorable moment. During my time at MRCS I have grown a closer connection with God. One thing I would like others to know about MRCS is that the staff are passionate about their jobs. After I graduate I am going to BCIT doing the 3D modelling, arts, and animation program.


The MRCS community has helped grow my relationship with God. Some of the teachers have especially been very open with their faith and shared their experiences with God, which allowed me to understand who God is and how he’s working in others lives. I’ve done a lot of personal growth throughout this time.

Some of my best memories come from the Drama program. I’ve met and become close with many good friends through the course of the three years I’ve been involved. Theatre has been so much fun and I’m forever grateful for the memories and friendships I’ve made.

After graduation, I plan on working full-time through the summer at Meadowridge School to save money for future travel and school plans. After the summer I expect to take a gap semester or year to travel; I want to go to Greece and Colombia, however first I expect to travel more locally. My school plans consist of majoring in Kinesiology and minoring in Business at Trinity Western University; from there I can pursue physiotherapy. One thing everyone should know about MRCS is that the teachers care about you and, if you’re willing, you can make some really amazing connections.