Accessibility Information

At Maple Ridge Christian School, we value the input of our school community in identifying both the successes and barriers that impact the participation of individuals in the life of our school.
Maple Ridge Christian School Accessibility Plan
Accessible BC Act
The Accessible British Columbia Regulation, under the Accessible British Columbia Act, came into force on September 1, 2022. The goal of the act is to improve opportunities for people with disabilities and involve them in identifying, removing, and preventing barriers to their full participation in the life of the province.
Legislation – Accessible BC Act
Regulation – Accessible BC Act
Accessibility Legislation Plain Language Summary
Important Definitions from the Accessible BC Act:
- Disability: An inability to participate fully and equally in society as a result of the interaction of an impairment and a barrier.
- Barrier: Anything that hinders the full and equal participation in society of a person with an impairment.
- Impairment: A physical, sensory, mental, intellectual, or cognitive impairment, which is permanent, temporary, or episodic.
Implementation of the Accessible BC Regulation
- Accessibility Committee: The Society of Christian Schools in BC (SCSBC) established an accessibility committee in May 2023. The committee, in consultation with SCSBC schools, developed the accessibility plan.
- Accessibility Plan: The Maple Ridge Christian School Accessibility Plan outlines our commitment to accessibility and the actions in our Three-Year Accessibility Plan for 2023-26.
Maple Ridge Christian School Accessibility Plan (under development)
- Mechanism for Reporting Accessibility Accomplishments and Barriers: We have developed an online survey so that community members may provide input about accessibility accomplishments and barriers at our school. The surveys are reviewed three times a year and are taken into consideration as we develop and improve our accessibility plan.